Fire Safety Videos

Fire SafetyIn recognition of Fire Prevention Month in March, the Somersowrth Fire Department – with the assistance of the Somersworth Career Technical Center (CTC) -  has produced two virtual presentations to help educate and inform citizens of all ages. 
The first presentation focuses on the national Fire Prevention Month theme of “Serve Up Safety in the Kitchen”.  This presentation is titled “Gilligan’s Fire Safety Adventure” and is geared toward a younger audience , however, all ages will find it informative and entertaining. 
The second presentation is a virtual open house that demonstrates the capability and dedication of the Somersworth Fire Department to the Community.  We trust that you will find our presentations educational and interesting.  Please be safe. 


Gilligan’s Fire Safety Adventure:
Virtual Fire Department Open House:
Community risk reduction through public education is a core competency of the Somersworth Fire Department!