What is the age of criminal responsibility in NH?

For the majority of laws in this state the law is very unclear as to exactly what age a juvenile can be criminally responsible in New Hampshire. However, at 13 years of age a minor may be held criminally responsible and transferred to the superior court for a number of serious criminal offenses.

List of Offenses

In juvenile courts the age is not relevant; the juvenile’s competency is what matters. Generally, charges are not brought against juveniles who are less than 12 years old. However, a petition may be brought forth against a juvenile who is younger if the situation warrants court intervention prior to that age and the juvenile is competent.

There are some dates that are absolute dates with respect to certain crimes and/or offenses and are charged in the adult court system as follows:

  • Truancy can be charged as early as age 6
  • Tobacco violations as early as age 12
  • Motor vehicle, aeronautics, fish and game, alcohol, fireworks, and municipal ordinances can be charged as early as age 16

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